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Top 50 leaders (monthly tournament)
Stable Name
Fred Bucks
1JVR Racing 216 790.00
2JVR Racing16 364.00
3Mancunian Racing Stables15 227.00
5Drey Racing15 067.00
6reddevil23215 053.00
7Drey Racing 214 828.00
8Manchunian Racing Stable 214 749.00
9McFire Racing 214 559.00
10Bullseye Bullets14 328.00
11McFire Racing14 152.00
12Chestnut Racing 13 726.00
13MSK Racing 13 364.00
14The Empress Club13 330.00
15MEERacing13 171.00
16ERIC ANTELME213 077.00
17China212 999.00
18SpanishPool12 806.00
19MVP Racing12 723.00
20Wizardracing212 614.00
21UndercoverJockey2 12 461.00
22Undercoverjockey 12 443.00
23EMPRESS CLUB12 442.00
24Trex Racing12 335.00
25Mason's Station12 188.00
26Fighters Stable 212 187.00
27JiggsysGigis12 028.00
28Mason's Station 211 986.00
29The Empress Club 211 819.00
30wizard Racing11 769.00
31QUEENBEE11 634.00
32Liamandry11 595.00
33Golden Era Racing 11 558.00
34Liamandry2 11 450.00
35China11 384.00
36MVP Racing 211 326.00
37Bra Aya11 318.00
38reddevil2311 283.00
39SpanishPool211 204.00
40JLC Racing Stables 211 164.00
41Starlife5211 082.00
42ERIC ANTELME 11 077.00
43MEERacing211 026.00
44Beachbeauty 11 007.00
45Jezzy10 776.00
46Gilbert Stables10 711.00
47HNB Racing210 237.00
48Fighters Stable10 230.00
49Umbilo Boys10 178.00
50HCL Racing10 150.00
B F Extra Place-150x300 jpg


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